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1日も早い拉致被害者全員の救出にむけて!北朝鮮人権侵害問題啓発週間作文コンクール2023 / 主催 : 政府拉致問題対策本部  後援 : 法務省、外務省、文部科学省



英語エッセイ 高校生部門 優秀賞

“With the world  ~What we can do as high school students~”

淑徳高等学校 1年 
田中 悠貴

 I don't want to tell a lie, so I'll tell what I honestly think about “the abduction.”
I knew that North Korea had abducted Japanese people in the past, but I didn't have much interest in it.

 At such time, my mother showed me the movie “Megumi.” I watched the anime at 1.5x speed. However, now that I think about it, I am ashamed of myself and wonder why I acted in such a way without thinking about the abductees or the person who made the movie.
When I learned about what happened to Megumi on the day of her abduction, and I imagined the fear she felt at that time, I felt anger and pain. After watching that movie, something in my heart clearly changed.

 A while later, I knew there was a lecture by Sakie Yokota, Megumi’s mother, so I attended the lecture and met her for the first time. After hearing her story directly, I felt that she has never given up and is living every minute of her life strongly. On the other hand, she seemed like a normal person to me. In other words, people who were living a normal life just like me suddenly became victims.

 Apart from this lecture, when I heard the words of the family of Miyoshi Soga, another abductee, I realized that it wasn't just an abductee that was robbed, but also very precious time. Even if the abductees return to Japan, the precious time will never come back. I realized that they had been robbed of all the time such as time around the table with family and time with friends at school.

 Now that I understand the feelings of abductees and their families more deeply, what can I, a high school student, do for them?

I am currently studying abroad. Far away from Japan, I am thinking about “the abduction”
and imagine what the abductees and their families feel, and wondering what I can do.
I believe that most Japanese have the same feelings about “the abductions” no matter where they are. Or rather, this feeling should be shared all over the world. However, I suppose that many people in the world don’t know about “the abduction.” I asked my homestay family and friends from countries other than Japan if they knew about “the abduction.” Their answer was “No.”

 In Japan, everyone knows about “the abduction.” However, I realized that there are many people outside of Japan who don't know about it.
Therefore, I believe that talking about “the abduction” with my friends and teachers in countries other than Japan and thinking about positive solutions together with people around the world is what I can do as a high school student.
I believe that we should not only face the issue of “the abduction” within Japan, but the entire world. Let's do our best and never give up until the end.



「世界とともに ~高校生として自分たちにできること~」


  嘘はつきたくないので、「拉致」について自分の考えを率直に書こうと思う。 北朝鮮が過去に日本人を拉致したことは知っていたが、あまり関心がなかった。

  そんな時、母がアニメ映画『めぐみ』を見せてくれた。映画は1.5倍速で視聴した。だが、今思えば、恥ずかしいことをしたと思う。拉致被害者の方々のことも、映画を作った人のことも考えずに、どうしてあんなことをしてしまったのだろう、と。 めぐみさんが拉致された当日の様子を知り、その時の恐怖を想像すると、怒りがこみ上げ、心が痛んだ。映画を見て、自分の心の中の何かが明らかに変わった。



  拉致被害者の方々とそのご家族方のお気持ちをより深く理解した今、高校生の自分にできることは何だろう。 私は今、海外に留学している。日本から遠く離れた地で、「拉致」について考え、 拉致被害者の方々とそのご家族方のお気持ちを想像し、自分にできることを考えている。 多くの日本人は、どこにいようと「拉致」に対する思いは変わらないと思う。むしろ、この思いは世界中で共有されるべきだ。だが、世界の人々の多くは「拉致」のことを知らないのだろう。ホームステイ先の家族や、日本国外の友人に、「拉致」のことを知っているか聞いたことがある。答えは「ノー」だった。

 日本では、誰もが「拉致」について知っている。その一方で、日本国外ではこれについて知らない人が大勢いることに気づいた。 このことから、日本国外の友人や先生と「拉致」について話し合い、世界の人々と共に前向きな解決策を考えていくことが、高校生の自分にできることだと思った。 「拉致」という問題には、日本国内だけでなく、世界全体で向き合っていかなければならないと思う。全力を尽くそう。最後まで諦めずに。


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